Monday, January 25, 2010

von is moving forward

well i hope that all of you are having as much fun with your workouts as i am. i love to go swim. today i was able to push myself a little harder than usual. was able to get in 1000 meters with only a 15 sec rest at 850 meters. i probably should have just kept going to the end but it was not what my plan was any how but i figured i would give it a shot. the other hard part was that after getting going again it felt like my body was done. rest was a bad idea but i did it. then i got dressed adn hit the asphalt. yep plan called for a 20 minute run right after the swim. in the book tehy call them brick workouts. swim run is not too bad, adn from what i can remember from teh last time i was doing this the swim bike was not too shabby eigther. but those days where you bike run, those are when you know where the work out got its name. you feel like you got bricks for feet when you jump of the bike after an hour ride or even a 45 min ride adn try to run for about 2 miles or so. fun stuff though. and after a little while the blod changes paths and you are ready to run normal. but everything seems to be doing alright adn going well enough for the races that i want to do. i definantly need to work on some speed training though. my pace is not where i would like it. and i know that you all have a differnt pace too, and may be thinking that "oh whatever von", but that is what i thought what this blog was for, was sharing our feelings and triumphs of our work outs. any how, well i hope that you all are doing well and staying relatively injury free. just remember that some times a day off is better than pushing through somthing. you just have to jump right back into the swing of things and don't think of it as a day lost, but maitenace for the long hall.
good luck everyone talk at you later.

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